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College Teachers’ Unit:  The College Teachers’ Unit affiliated to Assam College Teachers’ Association (ACTA) looks after the needs and requirements of the teachers. The unit patronizes various academic activities and discussions for the holistic development of the college. 

College Students’ Union:   The College Students’ Union is formed every year after the general election in which the students are given the responsibility for selecting their representatives. The union looks after the needs of the students. It also acts as a mediator between the students and the authority in matters concerning the student community. 

College Employees’ Unit: The college employees’ unit was formed to look after the needs of the college employees.

Disaster Management Cell: There is a disaster management cell in the college. The cell provides 24 Hours Ambulance services for mitigating demands arising from any emergency. Besides the college staff, the facility can be avail by any other person of the community in need. There is also a motor boat, which is used in rescue, relief and rehabilitation services during flood. The cell also organizes different activities in association with District Disaster Management Authority, Morigaon.

Alumni Association: The alumni association of Morigaon College came into being in the year 2003. The association aims at encouraging and extending help for the holistic development of the college.

Morigaon Mahavidyalay Mahila Mancha (MMMM):  Morigaon Mahavidyalay Mahila Mancha is a woman forum of the college which was established on 29th November, 2005 by the lady teachers of the college. Different views of this Mahila Mancha are:
(a)To educate the women of the society about their socio-economic rights for their all round development.
(b)To give support to the needy section of the society regarding their health and environment.
(c)To conduct awareness programme on effect of any kind of social evils among the women, youth and juveniles.

Women Cell (ACTA): There is a Women Cell in ACTA and college has two representatives as per rule of ACTA. All the women teachers of the college are members of the cell. 

Morigaon District Tourist Information Center:  Department of History, Morigaon College rendered ready information about the district for persons interested in the field.

Cultural and Anthropological Museum: There is an anthropological museum in the department of Anthropology. Various Fishing, hunting and agricultural implements used by different ethnic groups of North-East India as well as their various dresses and fabrics along with model of houses of the different tribes of the region are kept for preservation and display. 

Morigaon Satriya Sangeet Mahavidyalaya: Morigaon Satriya Sangeet Mahavidyalaya, which is affiliated to the Dibrugarh University, is running in the College premises. It is involved in disseminating Indian Classical Music and Dance. Bargeet,Khool, and Satriya Dance are the basic thrust areas of this Mahavidyalaya.

Assam Science Society, Morigaon College Unit: The Assam Science Society, Morigaon College Unit endeavours to promote and advance the cause of science in both pure and applied branches. The society disseminates awareness and knowledge of science by organizing symposia, seminars and demonstration etc. The official works of the unit is conducted from the department of Zoology.

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